Bridge Restoration Services

Epoxy Design Pile Jackets

A concrete tunnel repair services, Epoxy Design Systems provides bridge restoration services. Concrete reinforced bridges and tunnels deteriorate over time due to constant water exposure, chemical attack, and external structural forces. Concrete bridge beams, connections, joints, drive surface, abutments, lower bents, caps, and piles, particularly those near or extending into water, will require concrete spall repair, joint resealing, corrosion protection, fiberglass pile jackets, exterior protective coatings, and epoxy crack injection repairs. Tunnels may require joint restoration and sealants, polyurethane resin (PUR) chemical grout water control injection to halt infiltration., To inhibit reinforcement corrosion, zinc anodes are installed and metalized, spray on provide protection.  Progressive deterioration of these structures requires on-going inspection and preventative maintenance programs. We provide bridge restoration services and concrete tunnel repair services for suspected distressed structures that require a thorough assessment or survey. Defective locations and areas of concern identified in the survey, are noted. Bridge restoration services specifications by ICRI standards or those by an experienced restoration engineer will be used for repairs as performed by a qualified restoration contractor with extensive project experience on bridges and tunnels. Our bridge restoration services are some of the best on the market.

Some additional considerations for every application:

  • Owners and municipal authorities need to establish an acceptable maintenance and survey schedule that is cost effective and proactive against further deterioration.
  • Conduct soil subsidence testing surrounding tunnels
  • Concrete core sampling at bridge components to determine depth of concrete alkalinity.
  • Include all bridge and tunnel abutments in the survey and repairs.
  • Consider cost savings of extending the estimated life cycle of each structure by hiring experienced contractors who use the correct materials and procedures for each type of repair needed.