Pressure Grouting

Epoxy Design Pumping grout – foundation void

Pressure injection grouting services involves injecting a grout material under pressure into a generally isolated void space where the exact configuration or volume is not completely known.

Pressure Injection Grouting Services Options

The grout may be a cementitious, resinous, or a solution chemical mixture. The grout is intended to fill the space and generally provide strength to the structure or geomaterials, depending upon location and design.

The most common grout used is cementitious, designed to fill and support concrete slabs on grade, fill sink holes, faults in masonry structures, concrete grade beams, support industrial steel tank bottoms, fill annular space of fiberglass pile repair jackets, tunnels, concrete dams, outflow structures, RCP pipe, etc.

Cement Used when you need to fill a void under a floor, slab or foundation for structural considerations.
Resin Grouting AKA Epoxy Injection Used to structurally repair a crack in a structural member once the cause of the crack has been remedied.
Chemical Grouting AKA Injection Used to stop water leaks through cracks, joints and fissures in concrete structures.

Pressure Grouting Considerations

It is essential to understand soils and surrounding structures in order to select the proper grout viscosity, type of grout, and void filling characteristics. This process is very specialized; often requiring engineering study and design as well as proper equipment and an experienced specialty contractor to perform the installation. Location and depth of injection ports must be in accordance with the structure and properties of the grout to ensure proper grout filling. Pressure relief port are needed to monitor grout flow and allow air to escape.

Vertical Structures vs. Horizontal Structures

In vertical structures the grout injection must begin at the lowest point moving upward. In horizontal structures, grout injection must begin at one end from port to port until you reach the opposite end of the structure. Plugging ports as you inject is essential to maintaining grout pressure and prevent unwanted, internal voids.

Pressure Injection Grouting Manufacturers

There are several manufacturers of pressure injection grouting equipment who supply many different types of equipment designed for specific conditions. It is critical to select the right equipment that is compatible with grout characteristics, and the right contractor with specific experience with different equipment and materials. The pressure injection grouting process must follow all ASTM and ACI sections for quality assurance, testing, and longevity.

Additional considerations for every application:

  • Determine the approximate size, location, access and structural requirements, surrounding conditions, presence of water or contaminates, soil samples and site temperatures.
  • Identify if grout bonding or non-shrink properties are required.
  • Will the concrete element require structural repair, cleaning, and / or additional joint relief before pressure injecting grout?  

Pressure Grouting CSI Codes

  • 31 43 00 Concrete Raising
  • 31 43 13 Pressure Grout
  • 31 43 13.13 Concrete Pressure Grout

Improve Your Structure's Safety and Appearance

At Epoxy Design Systems, our team of pressure injection grouting services experts believe in providing pressure grouting services that are sure to improve the safety and appearance of your concrete structures. We’ve accomplished over 5,500 repairs throughout the United States as well as International projects ranging from various concrete structural repairs. Give us a call today at 713-461-8733 or contact us online for a consultation.