Epoxy Design Systems project managers are often called out by owners or facility managers to perform visual inspections of their facility to look for deficiencies such as cracks, delaminating concrete, moisture intrusion, exposed rebar, or failed protective coatings in order to access repairs needed to regain the durability and value of their investment. Epoxy Design Systems offers turnkey services to owners with Silo repair needs by restoring existing concrete walls to its smooth finish, chipping away deteriorated concrete spalls caused by reinforcement corrosion. Elimination of water infiltration into commodity storage structures such as silos, bunker pits and bins causing molds and mildews to perishables can be controlled by chemical injection using USDA approved products, sealing cracks and applying breathable elastomeric UV resistant coatings.
Sealant repairs at the perimeter overhang and exterior cracks, provide an airtight system by applying manufacture USDA & FDA products.
Our technicians repair concrete infrastructure throughout the USA and internationally, providing the knowledge and skills to complete repairs on time and within budget extending the service life of the revenue generating asset.
Industries served may include:
Food process / preparation plants
Animal food
Flour mills
Aggregates / minerals
Mining industry preparation plants
Port and bulk terminals
Brewery / distillery
Coal / coke
Vertical farm